Select and qualify reliable manufacturers. Start a productive relationship to gain in flexibility and in productivity.
Review and challenge your current organisation to explore new sources of productivity, innovations and profitability.
Manage subcontractor relationship to engage your manufacturers as a partner in the path of sustainable growth.
To deliver the sourcing solution suitable to your company culture B-Factory will select and benchmark suppliers based on your specifications.
B-Factory project management team pilots the production according to your engineering requirements and your market constraints.
Our specialists support the integration of your logistic and IT with supplier’s tools.
Together with our customers we seek to understand the value chain and the specificity of your procurement.
B-F’s team leader set performance targets an build the operational plan to achieve them.
B-Factory commits to anticipate risks and to draw contingencies plans.
Building and maintaining a strategic partnership with your manufacturers is vital to innovate together and create a sustainable growth.
SRM is a key lever in our organisation to optimize procurement chain and improve productivity.
B-Factory, as your local presence in Asia saves your organisation ressources, time and cost.
Founded in 2010 B-Factory builds bridge between European customers and their suppliers in Asia. This bridge aim for linking different cultures as well as fostering value creation.
With passion and dedication Jean-Marc Dasque supports European corporations to set up and manage their procurement in China and Malaysia.
In France Jean-Marc invests in innovation through the entrepreneur’s fund Kapinno.
Jean-Marc graduated in Finance from Bordeaux Business School, Kedge.
Shenzhen - Shanghai - Saigon - Kuala Lumpur
Local teams are founded based on a core of entrepreneurs ensuring availability and reactivity. Each team gather exceptional personalities with various expertises and background. Such proactive organization is able to quickly understand your interests at stake and build a specific and efficient solution.
B-Factory teams bring along multiples experiences and expertises in procurement, project management, design, engineering acquired across various industries ( Telco, medical, textile, transportation). We are able to comprehend your needs and to provide innovative solutions.
For more specific needs particularly for major companies, the partnership with Caijie Consulting Shanghai delivers specific knowledge and expertises in corporate procurement.
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